About 5 years ago I created a “Capture the Flag” map for Team Fortress Classic. It was a failed attempt at winning a contest, but it was a big success for the guys at the office. We stayed after work playing TFC basically every day, and we spent a lot of time playing on my map. I’d like to think my coworkers weren’t just humoring me…I know that I at least had a lot of fun.
The map consisted of two cathedral-style churches that faced each other across a small courtyard. The flag was at the back of your opponent’s sanctuary and had to be planted in the bell tower of your own. There were secret passages, doors, traps, a holy water pool, and a lot of places to snipe people. So even though I lost the contest (I don’t even remember what the prize would have been), I still felt like my efforts had been a success.
As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t get the word out about my map very well. A few websites carried it, but I never found anybody playing it besides our group at work.
Well, the other day, I accidentally stumbled across it on GameSpy’s FilePlanet server, available for download. It has been downloaded from there 165 times. There’s even a nice little synopsis provided: “Atmospheric ctf map for tfc with impressive gothic architecture. Spies will love this one.”
So I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that it was submitted to a file server by somebody besides myself and download by a couple hundred people, which means somebody somewhere might have had a little fun playing it.
If you want to check out my TFC map, Crusade, click here to download it from FilePlanet. You of course have to have Halflife and the free Team Fortress Classic add-on installed.
WOW. That brings back memories.
I remember the shower/spawn rooms in the basements.
Posted by: Patrick | October 30, 2004 at 05:11 AM
Yeah...with the exits that would crush any passers-by. :)
Posted by: SuperPope | October 30, 2004 at 06:06 PM
I remember following an opponent into their spawn room/showers and having those guns drop down and just start shooting me. But if I was a spy I could shoot people as they spawned. Yes, my friends, I was a CAMPER!
I loved that map. In fact, to be perfectly honest, it was my favorite map, as well as the one I think about most often when thinking back to our days of playing TFC. I had a complete blast playing this game and I'm sure the other guys did too.
Thanks for the screen caps David!
Posted by: Jay | October 31, 2004 at 02:19 AM
Yeah, bringing back good memories. I haven't thought of playing TF in some time. I enjoyed the map alot. I remember us sitting there watching you make the map, making little suggestions, and reveling when different aspects of the map worked. I'll have to download this map when I get to the hotel, and run around for old times sake!
Posted by: Wayne | November 01, 2004 at 01:05 AM
Wow! I remember running around in there thinking "I wish I could be like Superpope" Ha ha Right before shooting ChaosMonkey. The dirty little camper. BTW Nice to see your blog man. Got curious about superpope after all this time and found your blog. Cool.
Hugs and Kisses (not really)
Sam Walters
(aka TechnoLust)
Posted by: Sam | September 15, 2005 at 09:59 AM