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December 13, 2004



How's the map-editor?


My only reason for not playing this is that you require internet access to play. Unfortunetly I don't have a cable modem, DSL, or even cruddy dial-up. Although when I came home today there was a note that says cable modems are finally available for our complex, so I may soon well be back in the land of the living.
Waterman gave this game a rave review as well and I for one can't wait to play it. My computer bogged down and actually crashed a handfull of times while playing Doom 3, even on the lowest settings. I think that may have been a driver issue though. Ever since my reconfig of my harddrive, I've had all kinds of trouble with video drivers. Maybe I might need to do the upgrade like David suggested. Surely couldn't hurt. I mean, it's a whole two years old! It's ancient!!


I flat-out refuse to upgrade any computer for the sole purpose of playing a game.


Yeah, I feel silly doing it too, but there are lots of games that are on the horizon that I won't get to play either, so I look at it as a not so bad reason. If they would just make a mouse and keyboard that worked great for the PS2, maybe I wouldn't be having these problems. Heck, I might even get an X-Box and play the much-ballyhooed Halo if I could play sans controller/non-sans mouse.


Well, I flat out refuse to buy a car that costs more than 10,000 dollars. I guess we've all got our hang ups.

About the editor: I downloaded the Source SDK and loaded up my old working file for Crusade into it. The lights, doors, ladders, elevators, everything is obsolete, and the geometry is pure white with no textures. I'm still thinking about revamping it as a HL2 Deathmatch map (with only one church and a big courtyard), but it will take some time.

Jay, I agree. The WASD/Mouse combo is by far the most natural way to play first person games. Have you tried Morrowind or Ghost Recon on Xbox? Ugh. I can't handle it.


You know, I took these four screenshots. I didn't really get any "action" shots, did I? Sorry about that.


Spending less than $10,000 is just good sense. Now, if you're like me, I refuse to spend more than $25 on a pair of shoes. And I won't spend more than $20 on a shirt. And only then it has to be a really good shirt.
If Michael West had to get dressed on my budget, he would implode. :-)

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