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April 08, 2005



Okay...some of the cheesy dialogue aside, this was definitely the best of these games to date. I even enjoyed watching it.


I feel asleep!


You fell asleep playing this game!?! How much had you played?


He used the Force to play. He's that good...


No, no, no, SuperPopey. It's a quote from the very first Metal Gear. It's bad engrish from one of the guards who, I am assuming, meant to say, "I fell asleep."

MGS3 is a good game though. I've only played through it once, and on the easiest of difficulty levels too. (Hey, I'm just not super good at MGS) I'll play through it some more once I have some more free time though.


Gotcha. Sorry I missed the reference!

I played through MGS3 on Normal, but I'm never good enough to bother trying anything harder.

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