I pretty much never, ever use this blog anymore (blogging is so 2005), but some folks do come here to check on me on occasion, so I thought I ought to mention that Erin and I finally went to Japan this past October. It was a fantastic 10 day trip, and I kept an overly detailed blog of it, which you can read here. I also took way too many photos, which can be viewed here.
Your other website (spaceport orange) is not finished. This makes hassling you much harder than expected. Improvements are needed! Anyway, I'm off Myspace due vile dispute with the 10,000 pedophiles there, and on Facebook if you want to find me. Herr Magus Stryx (or Herr). No chinnie chin chin jokes though.
Posted by: James | March 12, 2009 at 08:39 PM