People who know me realize I'm generally pretty easily distracted. Sure, I take medication to keep me on track, but that only helps while I'm at work (my real job). The Apostle Paul said in Romans 7:19, "For the good which I desire, I don't do." Put in Dave's terms (and misappropriated in reference to temporal frivilousness instead of the eternally valuable work of Christ) that would read, "I want to draw, animate, and update my website, but instead I play video games and watch TV."
Well, this blog is an attempt to rectify that. At the very least I hope to start getting my day to day opinions typed out so I can share them with anyone who might be interested. If you ask me a question I might post an answer to it here, too. I'm very opinionated about Christianity, and would be happy to defend its tenets to any and all who are up for a good debate. But more on that later.
For now, this is just my "Hello, World" statement.
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